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The essence of tantric sex is in the hormonal changes that differ regarding the type of orgasm and neurons by which we experience it. The author of the book has discovered this truth through many years of practice in tantric sex and gathering data of scientific research on female and male sexual reactions. This discovery is a unique contribution to an understanding of tantric sex. Although there are numerous books on tantric sex none of them explains that hormonal background from which really emerges the advantage of tantric sex over procreative sex.
Western sexology has overlooked an extremely important detail in the background of our sex lives – the hormonal changes that accompany ordinary sexual intercourse strongly influence our love relationship and our behavior in general.
Love has a physiological basis. Classic sex that is consumed through a pattern of arousal, climax, and postcoital depression endlessly depletes the physiology of love.
At the basis of procreative sex that most people engage in there are hormonal changes that block the continuation of our longing for intimacy. In the long run, these hormonal changes create monotony in sex and a cooling down of the emotional relationship. They have also a negative influence on our health, enthusiasm, and work efficiency. However, another scenario is possible. This includes the prolongation of coitus, the experiencing of multiple whole-body orgasms, and love making that ends with the bypassing of local orgasms. By prolonging coitus, the levels of oxytocin, dopamine and endorphins become very high, which results in much greater pleasure and ecstasy, while by avoiding local orgasms and the release of prolactin, love and positive feelings persist long after sex.
Procreative sex is just a shadow of our complete sexual potential. The majority of people never experience the full possibilities of physical, emotional and spiritual intimacy. By simple adjustment, you can bypass undesirable hormonal changes that occur after the climax of sexual intercourse.
Tantra is the cultural standard that we should adopt without delay. In our upbringing, we did not receive real sexual education. Here is an opportunity to improve that.
This unique book will guide you to new ways of making love that will enhance your emotional relationship, improve your health, and make your life a stunning success.
Hard copy and ePub versions available
See YouTube presentation: https://youtu.be/K3Cevif9h64
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